About the laser machine you should to know something

What is laser marking?

"Laser marking" stands for marking or labeling of workpieces and materials with a laser beam. In this regard, different processes are distinguished, such as engraving, removing, staining, annealing and foaming. Depending on the material and the quality requirement, each of these procedures has its own advantages and disadvantages.

How does a laser marking machine work?

Laser technology basics

All lasers consist of three components:
1. An external pump source
2. The active laser medium
3. The resonator
The pump source guides external energy to the laser.
The active laser medium is located on the inside of the laser. Depending on the design, the laser medium can consist of a gas mixture (CO2 laser marking machine), of a crystal body (YAG laser) or glass fibers (fiber laser marking machine ). When energy is fed to the laser medium through the pump, it emits energy in the form of radiation.
The active laser medium is located between two mirrors, the "resonator". One of these mirrors is a one-way mirror. The radiation of the active laser medium is amplified in the resonator. At the same time, only a certain radiation can leave the resonator through the one-way mirror. This bundled radiation is the laser radiation.

Benefits of laser marking

High-precision marking at constant quality

Thanks to the high precision of laser marking, even very delicate graphics, 1-point fonts and very small geometries will turn out clearly legible. At the same time, marking with the laser ensures constant high-quality results.

High marking speed

Laser marking is one of the fastest marking processes available in the market. This results in high productivity and cost benefits during manufacture. Depending on the material structure and size, different laser sources (e. g. fiber lasers) or laser machines (e. g. galvo lasers) can be used to further increase the speed.

Durable marking

Laser etching is permanent and at the same time resistant to abrasion, heat and acids. Depending on the laser parameter settings, certain materials can also be marked without damaging the surface.



Eight major advantages of Laser Marking Machine

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