Fiber laser cutting machine single mode and multiple mode

Fiber laser source is the core component of laser cutting machine , which has great influence on cutting effect of laser cutting machine. When selecting laser cutting machine, we must consider what kind of module integration mode of fiber laser . The module composition of fiber laser can be divided into single mode and multiple mode. In cutting application, focusing spot has a great influence on the quality of cutting, the Single-mode laser source have thin laser cores , the laser beam quality is better than multiple mode. As can be seen from the energy distribution diagram, the middle energy density is the highest, and the distribution of the whole energy is like a peak with a sharp circle. The laser core of a multiple mode laser source is thicker, the laser beam has a lower mass than a single mode, and the energy distribution is a little bit more average than the single mode speckle. So the energy distribution diagram like an inverted cup. In terms of edge steepness, m...