STYLECNC help you choose a right CO2 laser engraving and cutting machine

In this article, we will provide a brief overview of the CO2 laser cutting and engraving machine's main technical characteristics . Purchasing of a laser machine should be careful and conscious. Failed investment in wrong equipment may adversely affect the successful development of your business. In general, we set goals as below: 1. To raise the customers’ level of knowledge and requirements of choosing the laser equipment. 2. To reveal the design features of some CO2 laser engraving machines , which are mostly hidden by sellers. 3. To increase general level of laser culture among laser machines users. 4.Guide to buy a high quality CO2 laser cutting and engraving machine. CO2 laser engraving and cutting machine The working principle of CO2 laser engraving and cutting machine. CO2 laser engraving and cutting machine generates laser beam by laser tube. Through three mirrors and a focusing lens, the laser is finally focused on the material and t...